[Video] FORTE 9 – Chromanotes and Playback Options

Three New Features You’ll Love

We receive many messages from teachers who ask us to help their students learn music notation faster and better. In response, we’ve added Chromanotes to FORTE 9.

Check out the Chromanotes feature along with some other new features––the virtual keyboard and your new playback options––in the video below.

You can now dock the Input Palette to the lower screen.

To do so, just move the palette towards the lower screen and drag it to one of the two icons.

You also now have access to a lot more keys on your virtual keyboard to write your music. But that’s not all!

  • If you’re in Select Mode and don’t have any note value selected, you can improvise melodies freely on the keyboard without having to notate them. (This is helpful if you just want to try out a melody or if you’re in the middle of a creative process.)
  • FORTE 9 supports different styles for note names. It also allows you to display the names of the notes on the keys of the virtual keyboard!
    If you want to write music, simply select the note value and enter the pitch using the virtual keyboard. And of course, you can use the mouse or the computer keyboard method just as you’re used to doing.
  • Another new FORTE 9 feature is “Chromanotes,” which allows you to change the notes’ colors according to a system. This is very helpful for beginners to learn and understand music notation.
  • FORTE 9 comes with new playback options. The keys of the virtual keyboard light up during the playback of your score.
  • You can select single notes or small passages for fast and easy playback: Draw a box around your desired selection, and press the space bar to start playback.
  • If you want playback to start at a certain position, click the control key and keep it pressed down. Click the desired measure, and playback starts.

We‘ll show you more new features of the new FORTE 9 next week!
How did you like this preview? We’re looking forward to your comments!

8 replies
    • FORTE Admin
      FORTE Admin says:

      Dear David,
      thank you for your comment.
      We’re quite hopeful that triplets will work now once and for all in FORTE 9!

      Your FORTE Team

  1. kent christiansen
    kent christiansen says:

    Sehr geehrte Herren,

    Ich habe derzeit Forte 8, werde ich die Option haben, auf 9 zu aktualisieren?

    Kent M. Christiansen

    • FORTE Admin
      FORTE Admin says:

      Hallo Kent,
      vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht.
      Wenn Du eine Lizenz von FORTE hast, dann wirst Du auch ein günstiges Angebot für das Upgrade auf FORTE 9 erhalten.
      Bitte beachte, dass Du hier auf der englischen Seite von FORTE Notensatz unterwegs bist.
      Das heißt, dass hier nur die englischsprachigen Versionen vertrieben werden.

      Falls es in Deinem Account oder mit Deinen Lizenzen zu Verwechslungen (Deutsche Sprache / Englische Sprache) kam,
      dann wende Dich bitte direkt an den Support unter support (at) forte-notensatz punkt de

      Vielen Dank
      und viele Grüße,
      Dein FORTE-Team

    • FORTE Admin
      FORTE Admin says:

      Dear Ellis,
      thank you for your question.
      You can write all unusual time signatures using FORTE Home or FORTE Premium.

      Kind regards,
      Your FORTE-Team


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