How Do I Change the Sound Within a System or Stave (Program Changes)?

Question: Can I use “Program Changes” with FORTE?

Yes, you can add program changes to FORTE, and here’s how…

First, check that “Use VST” is activated. (You’ll find this button in the main menu “Playback,” tab “VST.”)

Now, for the sound or program changes:

1. In your score, press “ctrl+1” and double-click the desired stave. You’ll the window, “Staff Properties,” open.

2. Select the tab “Instrument.” Click the “List <<” button and more options will appear.

3. Select the button “New Patch” – it’s the small, green one.


4. Select the desired bar and timing for your change.
001 (bar): 01 (beat):000
For example, 003:02:000 refers to the second beat of the third bar of your score.

5. Select the patch and confirm your choice by “Apply.” The new patch is visible on the list.


Here’s a short video

Here’s a screencast (it’s the German layout, but the buttons are in the same positions in your English version). You’ll hear the different sounds at 0:46.

We hope you found this article helpful. Let us know in the comments below!

2 replies
  1. Jerry
    Jerry says:

    I learned something new here! I used to do this by adding another staff with the different voice. This is far easier. Thanks


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